Total Medals Earned: 100 (From 26 different games.) Total Medal Score: 1,050 Points
Medals Earned: 1/11 (10/385 points)
Take out your first bandit
50 bandit kills
Shoot 5 bullets mid-air
Continue your family re-union
10 ricochet kills
Get some answers
Take no damage for 60 seconds of active play
Unlock all weapons
Say goodbye to an old friend
Win a perfect showdown
Settle a score
Medals Earned: 2/4 (15/90 points)
Get a single piece of Cheese
Find a secret cheese!
Collect over 32 pieces of cheese and complete the game
Find every single piece of cheese (56 total)
Medals Earned: 6/17 (80/500 points)
Die within 10 seconds
Hit yourself
Go through the walls
Ram head first into a rock
Have SNEK reach max speed
Keep SNEK alive for 5 minutes
Get the SNEK to 10,000 points
Get the SNEK to 15,000 points
Be one segment long
Be 300 Segments Long
Get the SNEK to 25,000 points
Get the SNEK to 50,000 points
Make it to the top of the leaderboards
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Run SNEK on any device
Medals Earned: 3/14 (15/290 points)
A Nice Center Smash
Five Love Taps
Far Right Smoosh
Cut Off a Conversation
Ten Crush-Hugs
You Obey the Rule of Three for Big Yucks!
Far Left Hit
Fifteen Gory Love Lunges
20 Hits in Survival
Perfect Score in Story Mode
21 Spikey Embraces
30 Hits in Survival
40 Hits in Survival
50 Hits in Survival
Medals Earned: 1/9 (10/355 points)
Terrible Game
Bad Game
Good Game
Nice Game
Great Game
Perfect Game
Medals Earned: 6/20 (40/500 points)
Get skewered on spikes
Launch the Turtle
Smash a goomba
Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)
Blow up a jeep
Get punched by a banana
Find the hidden button
Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)
Crush an angry ground creature
Reach space
Get caught by a UFO
Get burned by a sun
Play over an hour
Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)
Use a nuke
Play over 2 hours
Buy everything
Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)
Total over 1 million feet
Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)